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Giftogram public API

Use Giftogram's API to programmatically send gifts and prepaid cards to users, customers, and survey participants with ease.

Updated over a week ago

What does the API do?

Use our API to automatically trigger a Giftogram email to be sent directly from your Giftogram account.

Who can use the API?

Our public API is ideal for businesses that own and manage their own websites, particularly those needing to enhance their functionality, streamline operations, or provide a better user experience for recipients.

How long does it take to set up?

The length of time it takes to integrate depends on your resources. Our team will support you throughout the process. Most customers complete the process within 2-3 weeks.

What types of resources are available?

We provide developers with a wide range of resources to ensure a smooth and successful integration process. To learn more, check out our guides here:

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