Below is a list of our current retailers. Recipients will get to select from the options listed here unless you prefer to limit their selection by creating a custom catalog.
Switzerland: | Denominations: |
AirlineGift | 20-2500 |
ToursGift | 20-2500 |
Apple App Store & iTunes | 2-250 |
BucketlistGift | 20-5000 |
eLearnGift | 20-5000 |
Evertreen | 30,60,120 |
Flixbus | 10,25,50,100 |
FlystayGift | 20-2500 |
Globus | 20,50,100,150 |
H&M | 20,30,60,100 |
HelloFresh | 20,25,50,75,100 |
HotelsGift | 20-2500 |
Jochen Schweizer | 10 |
Maisons Du Monde | 20-500 |
MANGO | 20,25,50,100 |
MediaMarkt | 10,20,25,50,100 |
Mucho | 10,20,30,50,100 |
OCHSNER SPORT | 30,50,100 |
50,80,100 | |
PIECES | 30,50,100 |
Reebok | 30,50,100 |
RentacarGift | 20-2500 |
Roblox | 10,25 |
Uber | 24-800 |
Uber Eats | 24-800 |
Zalando | 6-200 |
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