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  3. Available Gift Card Retailers

Available gift card retailers (HKD)

See what gift card retailers your recipients can choose from

Below is a list of our current retailers. Recipients will get to select from the options listed here unless you prefer to limit their selection by creating a custom catalog

Giftograms can be sent to recipients in the countries listed below. To add international currencies to your account, check out this helpful article.

Brand Denominations
7-Eleven  20,100
AirlineGift 500-3900
Apple Store  200-1000
Deliveroo  250,500
eLearnGift  500-3900
FlystayGift  500-3900
Food Le Parc  50,100
Foodpanda  50,100
Fusion  50,100
Gourmet 50,100
GREAT Foodhall  50,100
Haagen-Dazs  50
Steam 300
Decathlon 50,100,200
HKTV Shop  50,100
HotelsGift  500-3900
Lane Crawford  300
Nintendo  100,300
Pacific Coffee  25
PARKnSHOP  50,100
Pizza Hut  50,100
Playstation  200,500
Razer Gold  50-500
RentacarGift 500-3900
Steam  100,300
TASTE 50,100
ToursGift 500-3900
TripGift 500-3900
Uber 210-3900
Uber Eats  210-3900
Watsons 50,100,200
Xbox  150,300
Zalora  50,100,120,300

Quickly jump to other countries:
United States (USD)
Canada (CAD)
Australia (AUD)
Austria (EUR)
Belgium (EUR)
Finland (EUR)
France (EUR)
Germany (EUR)
Greece (EUR)
Ireland (EUR)
Italy (EUR)
Luxembourg (EUR)
Netherlands (EUR)
Portugal (EUR)
Slovenia (EUR)
Spain (EUR)
United Kingdom (GBP)
India (INR)
Sweden (SEK)
Poland (PLN)
Philippines (PHP)
Mexico (MXN)