Current exchange rates

Giftogram uses the most current exchange rates to calculate your international purchases. All funds deposited in USD can be used to purchase gifts in your selected currency.

Giftogram updates our exchange rates on the first of every month.  

You can calculate the most current exchange rate for your international purchase by viewing the current rates below:

Rates (based on $1 USD):

Name Cur. Rate Effective Date
Canadian Dollar (CAD) CA$1.3500 2024-03-01
Indian Rupee (INR) ₹83.3800 2024-04-01
Euro (EUR) €0.9200 2024-02-01
British Pound (GBP) £0.7900 2024-04-01
Australian Dollar (AUD) A$1.5300 2024-03-01
Polish Zloty (PLN) PLN 3.9800 2024-03-01
Swedish Krona (SEK) SEK 10.6500 2024-04-01
Philippine Peso (PHP) ₱56.2200 2024-04-01
Mexican Peso (MXN) MX$16.5900 2024-04-01
Thai Baht (THB) THB 36.5800 2024-04-02
Hong Kong Dollars (HKD) HK$7.8300 2024-04-02
Singapore Dollar (SGD) SGD 1.3500 2024-04-02

Questions about how much to deposit? Our team is happy to assist. Start a chat below or call us at (973) 887-1600.